Strategic Partnership Solutions is a unique service which steers brands and agencies through the complex environments of entertainment and sport, with the aim to lead clients direct to the decision makers. We unite market understanding, creativity and insight with an integrated approach to marketing, PR and promotion.
We accurately target your audience and create compelling, research-driven partnerships that deliver a measurable return on your investment. We also offer extensive top-level experience and an encompassing network of clients and contacts from the worlds of the entertainment and sport.
We create compelling partnerships
Extensive network of contacts
Sport and entertainment understanding
Create fully integrated solutions
Accurately target your audience
Measurable return on investment
Music supervision and licensing.
Music supervision
We understand brands and we understand agencies. Through our curation of strategic partnerships with brands who use music as a vehicle to speak to their audiences, we have a deep respect for the power of music in campaigns. We appreciate and respect its resonance as the cultural DNA in the minds of most consumers. We are strategists and we are music lovers. We know you are competing in your market and we know how to source and license the right track to get you heard.
our experience
Here at Strategic Partnership Solutions, we have extensive experience working with brands who wish to license commercial recordings. Having backgrounds in both major record labels and in music publishing, we understand the complex maze that needs to be navigated in order to give our clients a peace of mind during the clearance process. Unlike most, we don’t work on commissions, instead preferring a flat fee basis model on projects that we are briefed on.
the process
Obtaining a track for your campaign does not operate on a rate card basis. There are several factors to take into account that we are well versed on to handle for you. The owners of the track will want to know the usage type, media, territory, term, what the brand is and what the campaign entails (the script). The rights owners will then take into account whether this is a brand they want to associate with their artists, the status of the artists, the success of the song and what they have previously licensed the track for in the past and for what fees. All of which will not be shared with the licensee.
to our clients
Music is a character in the script just like any other and we always advise that you consider the music integration as early as possible. Yes, we have been known to turn things around in the middle of the night but the earlier we plan the type of music you are looking for, the more time we have to deal with any licensing issues that may rise. We can then look for alternative tracks if the chosen recording not be available to license. We operate with a clear and honest dialogue from the start, so that expectations are managed and we are part of the ultimate goal.